domingo, 17 de julho de 2016

My paper mache Apple

Hi everyone!

Today I'm posting something which I've finished today and... for the first time in my life its a non pretentious sculpture (not that I'm pretentious, I'm just a Leo from July) - an apple!

I made a search online upon similar projects and I saw one in which a real apple was used, covered with paper mache and flour glue, cutted in half, re-assembled and painted. Its alright, right? But not for me, I utterly love the construction process, the seeing and wondering about the object, so I had to start from scratch!

Basically I took a small balloon as armature and then played a bit with volumes through adding strips of cardboard whilst covering it up with my paper clay recipe.
As finishing layer I used liquid cold porcelain, sanded a bit some edges and simply painted with acrylic, voilá!

Enjoy :)
(clic on the picture to enlarge and then clic again and press "view image")

Thanks for visiting :)

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