terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2016

Paper mache Portuguese baroque royal coat of arms II

Hi everyone!

Here's some new advancements on the coat of arms.

When I made the first post we had this:

Which became this:

To be honest with you I dont know if there are specific names for upper decoration or base decoration, I only know that the purpose of the upper decoration is in order to sustain a crown. Eitherway for both bases, inspired by the original design, I've glue two empty toilet paper cardboard roll which I've sort of started already to work a bit (as you can see on the base)

So now we have a photo of the lower tip and to start with all of those swirls I've cut, in thin cardboard, some C shaped decorations onto which...

... I glued toilet paper and started to work the volumes.

For the upper decoration I did exactly the same although its a tiny bit more elaborate

And now we have this:
It does looks messy and and a bit clumsy but in time after remodelling the whole thing with bit of toilet paper here and there i will for sure get a bit more symmetric. Those sort of ears on the upper bit? I'll talk about those on my next post!

Until then do share your thoughts or if you have any question I'll be happy to answer!

Thanks for visiting :)

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