Hi everyone!
We're already in April but it feels as if
réveillon was yesterday, right? Well, maybe it was for some ... Anyways, I can't really complain because within these 4 months I've already sold as much as I had sold through the entire 2017, yey!
Because I was dying to make new dolls I had this idea of lowering the price of the remaining ones on my etsy shop (and they were still lots!) and it worked just fine because people that were wanting to have one but couldn't, finally could! Others just found me whilst even others just carried on buying from me like a good friend in Florida that seems to be keen on collecting my works -
to all of them my utmost and sincere gratitude!
At the moment there are two or tree that I just found in a box on a bag from the small exhibition I had at the school's library where I finished what I believe to be called high school in the USA (still am actually but only waiting for a final signature meeting in order to request the certificate...). Do have a look in case it interests you (I'll put the link below 😉😉)!
Right, the new dolls! A dear friend last year told me to be aware that anything one might do must have in consideration the time one lives. It didn't resonated by then but it stayed ...
In the meantime I was exhausted from doing dolls because they were sort of too detailed? too intellectualized? too trying to search for visual security in order to be accepted whilst representing some reality from some famous painting? The very last doll I made through the old system (wrapping toilet paper on a wire and work through either with
Das clay or papermache) inspired me to quit as the result was boring and after hours around the face it still looked ugly ... !
--------------------------------------doll break-----------------------------------------
During this break I went back to painting! An avid digital photo collector, I made some small oil portraits from guys that I found interesting enough to transform them into XVIII gentleman!
Why XVIII century? Well, its my favorite historical epoch and in the beginning of this year I decided to focus only on that period instead of swirling around history and its many different times and characters... Apparently the works were / are good enough to be accepted as exhibition proposal which will occur in July (when I'll reach 36!) in Fábrica do Braço de Prata, in Lisbon.
Here's one of them , oil on homemade papermache canvas (my favorite work actually! )
In the meantime dolls subject was pretty much alive though, so I decided to create an idea of XVIII century Portuguese society once focusing on the reign of D. João V my favorite Portuguese Monarch.
Thus I've envisioned large people, always laughing and being cheerful and for that, mechanics wise, I built one figure, made some casts with silicone+starch paste of the torso and legs, created an idea of genderless face and now its
So if before I wrapped toilet paper soaked in glue around a wire, now I make the bodies by filling the silicone casts with papermache, join both halves, attach legs to torso and rework the body with
Das clay (a bit like a regular porcelain doll maker actually). Feet are created after as well as the face is glued onto the body when it's ready. The rest didn't changed much as I still make the clothes out of used printing paper ...
As I had this idea of going to present my works to a shop here in Sintra, I thought on starting by doing some Invitation Figures (you'll understand what these are if you go to my website).
Within two weeks I made 3 figures. The result, I guess, is fun to watch as now there's a lot more movement within them but... although they are already in the shop and I got really good reviews online through social media, I'm still not satisfied specially because I still feel stuck within the " trying to search for visual security in order to be accepted " thing? But as I was able to change the shapes and making the figures a bit less "natural" I'm already happy though...
Take a look and let my know what you think ;)
Ok, they are not that bad (!) but I want more, I want the ultimate piece where "sculpture" becomes more accurate to describe them than "doll" aaaaand I know exactly what to try out!
Stay stunned guys, thanks for visiting!!
Oh yeah, my links !
etsy shop:
doll website: